von Britta Adler | Sep 19, 2022 | I COACH
Konferenz von SALOON Dresden vom 27. bis 29. September 2022: „The Assembly of Friendship – Məclisi Üns“ Residency Programm. Gruppencoaching von Britta Adler für Teilnehmer:innen der Residenz: Beyond the residency: how to overcome obstacles and create...
von Britta Adler | Sep 18, 2022 | I COACH
Psychological aspects on why success in the artworld is harder for underprivileged groups & Neurological Techniques for Change The Talk by Britta Adler reveals mostly unconscious psychological aspects as well as statistical matters on why there are still so few...
von Britta Adler | Jul 25, 2022 | I COACH
Mittwoch 17. bis 18. Mai 2022 Mittwoch13:30 Uhr: Get Smart: Know Hows für Kreative, Kunst und Kultur SchaffendeZwei Panels informieren, wie du effektiver an die Fördertöpfe im Kunst- und Kulturbereich rankommst und geben wertvolle Tipps zu verschiedenen...
von Britta Adler | Jul 25, 2022 | I COACH
Britta gives a talk on:Psychological aspects on why there are still so few really successfull women artists. And neurological techniques as well as statistical matters to overcome these...